DMS-20PC-0/5 Series Display Process Control Monito

By Murata Power Solutions Inc 479

DMS-20PC-0/5 Series Display Process Control Monito

Murata Power Solutions' DMS-20PC-0/5 series are the world's smallest, full-featured, 0-5V input process control monitors. Their large, easy-to-read, 9.4 mm (0.37") LED displays are available in a choice of 4 LED color/intensity options: standard red, standard green, super-bright red, and low-power red. Two power supply input ranges are also available: the industry-standard +5 V and a wide-range +5 V to +40 V (which typically draws 9 mA at +24 V).

Gain (span) and offset (zero) adjustments are performed with on-board, precision, 20-turn potentiometers. All decimal-point and range-change selections are made on an 8-position, vibration-resistant, gold-plated DIP switch.

  • Accepts 0 V to 5 V and 0 V to 10 V inputs
  • Large, easy-to-read, 9.4 mm (0.37") LED display
  • Choice of 5 LED power/color options
  • High input impedance, 100 kΩ
  • +5 V to +40 V model draws 9 mA typ.
  • Miniature size: 1.38" x 1.25" x 0.95"
  • High-quality, 20-turn, span (gain) and zero (offset) adjustments
  • DIP-switch selectable range and decimal points
  • Vibration-resistant package; Reliable screw-terminal input connections
  • Hundreds of different input/readout combinations

