TMCM-1043-KIT Development System

By TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH 118

TMCM-1043-KIT Development System

The intuitive kit is custom designed for use with TRINAMIC’s highly integrated and fully proven TMCM-1043 stepper motor driver, which is developed for direct mounting on a NEMA 17 motor. Pre-programmed and pre-configured with all operating parameters to support standard 1.5 A (peak) motors. The TMCM-1043 board uses TRINAMIC´s single-axis TMC2660 stepper motor driver IC, which integrates a motor pre-driver and power MOSFETs. Controlled by industry standard step/direction pulses, the TMCM-1043 module automatically performs all motor coil current calculations, while driving an external NEMA 17 motor with the industry’s lowest RDS(ON) MOSFETs, resulting in minimal power dissipation.

While the TMCM-1043 module is designed for off-the-shelf use, the new development kit enables engineers to quickly optimize their designs through modification of key parameters. For example, a wider range of motor capabilities can be accommodated by modifying current specifications; legacy software can easily be re-used by modifying the number of micro-steps per full rotation, and motor holding torque can be optimized by modifying standby current.

Click here for more information and a FREE download to the intuitive GUI.

