Flexo Copper and Brass Braided Sleeving

By Techflex 164

Flexo Copper and Brass Braided Sleeving

Techflex’s Flexo brass braided sleeving can be a useful and beautiful part of any project. The decorative features of brass are obvious, but many people do not know that brass is actually an alloy of copper and zinc. Designers and engineers may also use the brass braid for its natural antimicrobial and germicidal properties. Contact with Techflex’s brass braid can kill harmful microorganisms within minutes. Brass braid has been used in "steam punk" creations of all kinds to bring the hoses of the industrial revolution back to life today.

Techflex high purity copper sleeve is a 100% copper braid for grounding, shielding, and many other unique projects. The copper series of metal braids are pure metal with no fillers or coating to provide many years of continuous use. The braid is suitable for hoses, wires, and other lines on a wide variety of applications. Techflex bare copper braid will provide high flexibility and excellent current transmission for many demanding uses.


  • Medical devices
  • Automotive
  • Any grounding and shielding applications

