Barometric Sensors for Mobile Devices

By Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div 119

Barometric Sensors for Mobile Devices

Two MEMS-based barometric pressure sensors from Omron Electronic Components are specifically designed to support height and pressure measurement in drones, smartphones, pedometers, and battery-powered mobile systems. Both sensors are configured to measure the pressure of air between 30 kPa and 110 kPa. Maximum pressure is 800 kPa and the sensors can be used at temperatures of -40°C up to +85°C without condensation or icing.

  • High accuracy and small size digital barometric pressure sensor with low current consumption 
  • MEMS piezoresistive type with digital control and output via I2C/SPI interface
  • Built-in low noise 24-bit ADC
  • Measure absolute pressure and temperature with high accuracy
  • Automatically power down non-working circuit to minimize current consumption



