By IoTize 197
IoTize's TapNLink TnLFIR103 will enhance user experiences with NFC and Bluetooth® low energy (BLE) wireless connectivity. Improve the way users interact with your system by offering them customized human-machine interfaces (HMI) and cloud enhanced service. TapNLink supports instant wireless integration, immediate HMI on mobile devices, customization by configuration only, and rapid cloud integration.
TapNLink TnLFIR103 provides NFC and BLE wireless interfaces for linking mobile devices to any microcontroller-based design. It connects directly to a target system's microcontroller via debug (for Cortex®-M) or serial ports. No coding or hardware re-design is required.
TapNLink is easily configured to enable read/write access by different types of users to data in the target microcontroller. Configuration results in automatically generated HMIs allowing read/write access to data for the selected variables. TapNLink supports app development for Android, iOS, and Windows-based mobile devices.
Data can also be configured for transfer to the Cloud. TapNLink supports an open source MQTT relay that adapts to any cloud IoT platform.